Cutting Accessories for Stryker Micro Surgical Systems

Experience Cutting Excellence

Surgical blades designed for compatibility with Stryker small bone handpieces. Omega is a leading manufacturer of surgical oscillating and reciprocating blades. Our Stryker compatible surgical oscillating and reciprocating blades are no exception. Experience cutting excellence with the system of your surgeon’s choice utilizing Omega blades for superior performance.

Compatible with all small Stryker sagittal and oscillating handpieces.

Choose from a wide selection of micro oscillating saw blades compatible with Stryker Systems

Small Bone Stryker Blade Replacements

Micro Oscillating & Sagittal Blades

Powerful Surgical handpieces combined with Omega Surgical blades provide unparalleled performance. Our micro blades can be used on any generation of Stryker micro oscillating or sagittal saw.

Choose Omega When Quality Matters

American-made surgical saw blades at their finest.

Micro Reciprocating Blades

Compatible with Stryker micro surgical reciprocating saws. Experience cutting excellence utilizing Omega micro recip blades in Stryker System reciprocating saws.

Twist Drill Bits for Stryker Systems

Superior drill bits in the power equipment of your surgeon’s choice.

24 – 48 Hour Fulfillment
On Most Items

Strong Partnerships
With Our Customers

Custom Blade, Bur, And
Twist Drill Development

Complete OEM

Blade Contracts That
Save Time And Money

Did You Know?

Stryker Micro Drill systems that utilize the 5100-15-250 can accept smooth and round shank burs.

Did You Know?

Stryker Micro Drill systems utilizing MD attachments can accept smooth and round shank burs.

Did You Know?

Stryker Micro Drill systems utilizing MD attachments can accept smooth and round shank burs.

Micro Surgical Burs

From J-notch to smooth shank, our selection of surgical cutting and diamond burs are designed to fit many different Stryker micro drill systems. Search our catalog and request a quote for the sizes and shapes needed for your facility.

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